"Media Climate CIC is a not for profit community interest company based in Cannock. We provide music and media related experiences such as drama, film, photography and video editing. We also offer creative experiences such as arts, crafts, and graffiti as well as outdoor learning oppurtunities such as animal care, horse therapy, sports and life skills. We deliver high quality funded projects, events, projects and promotion in the Staffordshire Community."
Media Climate CIC is a not for profit community interest company based in Cannock. We provide music, media and art related experiences as well as animal care, horse therapy, sports and life skills to our local community. We deliver funded and private projects, events, courses and promotion for all of the Staffordshire Community. If you have any great ideas for new projects in our community we are always open to discuss new projects. Media Climate CIC welcome all ages and abilities to participate in our projects and encourage everyone to continue learning new skills and strive to be the best they can be. We use a variety of community venues throughout the Cannock Chase District and aim to make experiences accessible to all. Many of our exciting projects are completely free so why not contact us for more information and get signed up today!
'Working together for a
brighter community'
Over the last 10 years we have successfully completed hundreds of projects, events and courses for our local community. We have positively impacted thousands of lives and helped our community to grow in confidence and knowledge.
We have been supported by many organisations including; BBC Children in Need, The Big Lottery Fund, Police Crime Commisioners Fund, People Power Funding, SCVYS, Staffordshire County Council and many more. We are forever grateful for the support and funding of these organisations which allow us to make a huge difference to our community.
If you have an company or organisation that would like to support Media Climate CIC in delivering a community project please do not hesitate to get in contact with us today!
We are always working on new projects to offer our community keep your eyes peeled for the next annoucement about upcoming projects!